
As users of HPC Vega and its systems, you shall abide to the following acceptable use policy rules:

General conditions

  1. You will use the systems and services provided in accordance with the stated goals and the description of work basis on which the access has been granted.
  2. You will follow the acceptable use policy of ARNES, Academic and Research Network of Slovenia.
  3. You will not use the services for any unlawful purpose under Slovenian or EU law, including data privacy rights, intellectual property and confidentiality agreements.
  4. You will ensure the use of software with licenses valid for the use on the system.
  5. You will use the services at your own risk. You accept that there is no guarantee that the services will be available at any time or that they will suit any purpose.

Security conditions

  1. You are responsible for the security of your software, your data and your access credentials, such as passwords and private keys.
  2. You will not (attempt to) breach or circumvent any administrative or security controls.
  3. You will not attempt to compromise the functionality of any computer systems and networks or to intentionally disrupt or prevent the use of the system by others.
  4. You will not access, alter, distribute, or destroy data owned by other users.
  5. You agree to immediately report any known or suspected security breach or unintended access to data or any misuse of services and access credentials of the system.
  6. You agree that you are solely responsible for ensuring the security of your data, including setting appropriate security constraints and permissions, using appropriate locations to store the data and using encryption when appropriate.

Personal information, identification constraints and data policies

  1. You agree that the access granted is strictly personal, granted on an individual basis and usable only by its owner.
  2. You shall keep all your registered information correct and up to date. You shall not use false or misleading personal identification data with services that demand such data.
  3. You shall not permit third persons to access your account and will not facilitate gaining access to the system to third persons, including through carelessness or negligence, nor will you attempt to gain access attributed to a different user.
  4. You agree that information about you and your work will be retained by the system, including information provided for registration, security information, accounting records, and administrative information and that it may be used and processed for operational, accounting, monitoring, security, and administrative purposes. Furthermore, you agree that the information may be kept up to the end of the fiscal year after your access ends or after your last access.

Obligations towards the access-granting bodies and the hosting site

  1. You agree that the access-granting bodies and system administrators entitled to access your software, data, and information as well as to monitor your network traffic in order to conduct security scans and usage oversight.
  2. You agree that the access-granting bodies and system administrators are entitled to regulate, suspend or terminate your access, within the domain of their authority, and that you shall immediately comply with their instructions.
  3. You agree to provide information on the use and results of your work to the access-granting bodies and system administrators as required for reporting and informing the public about the use of public resources.
  4. You agree to provide appropriate acknowledgment of support or citation for your use of the resources and services provided as required by the body or bodies granting you access.