EuroHPC Access
Please refer to the EuroHPC JU Access Policy, Benchmark and Development Calls and Regular Access Calls pages for the conditions and criteria applied to the calls.
More information about getting access (eligibility and assessment criteria) for HPC users is available here:
Procedure for accessing HPC Vega after accepted proposal
After the proposal is technically reviewed and accepted, the applicant will receive a confirmation message from with a request to send fulfilled EuroHPC User Data Protection Agreement form and also send his SSH public key to log in to the system. Our support team will then copy applicant's SSH public key to the "SSO identity management server". No access to this server is granted to EuroHPC applicants. If applicant wants to change his own SSH public key, a new public key needs to be sent to
At the end of the project
One month before the end of the project, the user receives a notification from the support team and from the system.
In that period user should make a backup copy of his data and to transfer the data locally.
When the project ends, the user has a maximum of one month to transfer the data locally. No jobs are allowed to be sent during this period. When the data transfer is complete, the user informs support team.
In the next three months, the user should send the Final Report.
EuroHPC Reports
For all awarded projects, the Principal Investigator (PI) has to submit a Final Report within three (3) months of the completion of an allocation, using the proper EuroHPC JU template, with the results obtained through the access to the EuroHPC JU systems, as well as qualitative feedback on the use of the resources.
This report needs to be submitted to PRACE Peer-Review (peer-review[at] Failure to submit a Final Report may disqualify future proposal submissions to EuroHPC JU by any member of the research group.
The templates for the Final Report are available for download:
Benchmark Access Final Report or Final Report
Development Assess Final Report or Final Report
Regular Access Final Report or Final Report
The template for the Progress Report is also available for download:
Regular Access Progress Report or Progress Report (for continuation submissions)