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Resources and shares

Methodology to calculate core hours and GPU hours

Formula for calculating available core hours per year:

 NumberOfNodes * NumberOfCPUsPerNode * NumberOfCoresPerCPU * NumberOfThreadsPerCore * 24 hours per day * 365 days

All HPC Vega nodes have two CPUs per node, so NumberOfCPUsPerNode is set to two. All CPUs on HPC Vega have two CPU threads, but NumberOfThreadsPerCore in formula is set to one, although Hyper-threading (HT) on the system is turned On (so it should be two).

Slurm always reserves the entire core for job. If the user requests one CPU, Slurm allocates the whole core with two threads. However, if e.g. the user requests 64 cores, he gets 32 cores or 64 CPU threads.

Formula for calculating available GPU hours per year:

 NumberOfGPUNodes * GPUsPerGPUnode * 24 hours per day * 365 days

All available resources in Core/GPU hours

Available resources in core hours per year (without HT) are listed in the following table:

Partition Nodes (c/CPU) Cores Node hours Core hours GPUs GPU hours
CPU partition 960 (64) 122.880 8.409.600 1.076.428.800 N/A N/A
CPU standard (256 GB) 768 (64) 98.304 6.727.680 861.143.040 N/A N/A
CPU large memory (1 TB) 192 (64) 24.576 1.681.920 215.285.760 N/A N/A
CPU login nodes 4 (64) 512 35.040 4.485.120 N/A N/A
GPU partition (CPUs) 60 (64) 7.680 525.600 67.276.800 240 2.102.400
GPU login nodes 4 (32) 184 17.520 2.242.560 4 8.764
SUM 1.028 131.256 8.935.200 1.143.705.600 244 2.111.164

Usage shares of HPC Vega

For the HPC Vega, the following shares of usage are intended on a yearly basis:

  • 65% of all capacities – national share, divided:
    • up to 70% for Open Access
    • up to 20% for Industry Access
    • from 10% upwards is Hosting Entity (IZUM) reservation for:
      • Community Access
      • Urgent Priority Usage (e.g. priority use of national importance)
      • Continuous Maintenance (Updates/Upgrades/Repairs)
  • 35% of all capacities – EuroHPC JU share:

Shares presented in number of nodes1, core and GPU hours per year and storage2 (Ceph):

Share Partition Nodes Node hours Core hours GPU hours Storage
National (65%) CPU standard 499 4.372.992 559.742.976 N/A 11,7 PB
CPU large memory 125 1.095.000 140.160.000 N/A \
GPU partition 39 341.640 43.729.920 1.366.560 \
EuroHPC JU (35%) CPU standard 269 2.354.688 301.400.064 N/A 6,3 PB
CPU large memory 67 586.920 75.125.760 N/A \
GPU partition 21 183.960 23.546.880 735.840 \

  1. Nodes per share are for informational purposes only, as they are not permanently allocated. 

  2. Common storage capacity is available for all partitions.