Used resources

Vega users have the option to display resource consumption on all your registered projects. The resources used are shown for the entire period from the start of your project up to the date of updating the data written above the table. The data is updated once a week.

If the user adds the following line to his .bash_profile, the data will be automatically displayed when logging in to Vega:


You can easily add the mentioned line to your .bash_profile with the following command:

echo "/ceph/hpc/bin/" >> ~/.bash_profile

Log out of the system and log in again. A message is displayed with the consumption:

      Report on your project's spent resources (data updated on 19/10/2023)
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
   user,account         | CPU (core hours)         | GPU (core hours)           |
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
   username             | 4323                     | 5343                       |
   usergroup-users      | 10974                    | 948508                     |

Allocation for account r2207-999-users ends on 01/12/2023 - 42 days remaining. Please move or back up your files by the end of your allocation.
Allocation for account b2206-999-users ended on 15/08/2022.

The end date of the allocation and the remaining number of days until then are also shown below the table.


Available for EuroHPC users only.